Monday, August 31, 2009

Great advice!!! RT @Charlie0: @2UrGain Grab hold of another handle. All is not lost.
@yslanrulz Hi thanks for the RT
@AnnelizeFaul Hi thanks for the RT
@AubreyKipp Hi thanks for the RT
@bithin2007 Hi thanks for the RT
@physiolou dodgy teeth growth is usually a hereditary problem, but unlimited daily hay will help to keep them in trim
@22lrhunter Yes dwarf rabbits should be treated just the same as any other pet rabbit
@22lrhunter Rabbits eat caecotrophs as they come out, as a general rule, but some do save them for later, it depends on his regular diet
@22lrhunter no u can't starve your rabbit if you clean out too much.
@danynguyen to be honest, yes I could
@ingieveen Try adding ice cubes to your rabbit's water and changing the water 2-3 times a day. Also ensure he is out of direct sunlight
@HealthyAnimals Yes I think my Chihuahuas fall outside of the same category too lol
@cuddleheatingco use a metal counduit around your cables, available from most DIY stores. or prevent access to the wired area in question
@PrincessTheCat me too! maybe thats why us women are called birds lol
@d22train Hi and Thanks for that
RT @setandgoprods: In the depth of winter I found there was in me an invincible summer. - Albert Camus
@solarpanelqtr No there isn't, its the best smell in the world
@greencareersuk Hey Thanks for that, have a great day!
@MELACUECA Hi and Thanks for the RT
@rorybaust sure looks that way! lol
RT @ellerfranz: Stay Happy, never let anyone get your goat.JLHuie
RT @canderson3: Here are some of my recommended readings, most of them free:
RT @canderson3: My writing services are open!
RT @angelaksgiles: Need HOT NEW Leads every single day, use *EBAY*!
RT @TravelingNani: No Risk, Absolutely Nothing to Lose and So Much to Gain!
@kvpops Hi and Thanks for the RT
@SkinCareDoc Hi and Thanks for the RT
@ragamuffinquilt Hi thanks for the RT
@DianaWyatt LOL....
@LilBitSassy Hi thanks for the RT
@blarney_stone Hi thanks for the RT
RT @ElmerHurlstone: Hi thanks for the RT
@kvpops Hi thanks for the RT
RT @rettbar: Is Aug. really almost done? What happens to all the summer fun?
RT @canderson3: Check out what I found. I think this may come in handy, once I get it figured out.
RT @TravelingNani: Started by same people who started think they might have some knowledge of the internet?
RT @FaxToEmailPro: This fun youtube video really shows the value of concentrating on a niche.
RT @angelaksgiles: Need HOT NEW Leads every single day, use *EBAY*!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Blog update:
RT @Getamazingabs: Better to understand a little than to misunderstand a lot : Very True!
RT @inspiredwriters: A pessimist thinks everybody is as nasty as himself, and hates them for it.  George Bernard Shaw
We all talk about finding a profitable niche & building a site around it. But where do u look ? TRY Here!
RT @AskLisaRyan: Listen 2hear a great interview with copywriting guru David Garfinkel:
RT @angelaksgiles: Success is always to be found on the other side of fear. Anonymous
RT @ZnaTrainer: Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path & leave a trail. Ralph Waldo Emerson Quote
RT @MarketerMikeE: "I've failed ovr & over & ovr again in my life & that is y I succeed." - Michael Jordan quote @trendtracker

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

RT @BookBuzzr: I'm not 40, I'm eighteen with 22 years experience. ~Author Unknown ( #quote
RT @babyboomerbev: RT @DannetteLewis: The difference between 'try' and 'triumph' is a little 'umph'—Unknown QUOTE
RT @anamstudios: We all have faults, and mine is being wicked. James Thurber quote WickedWednesday
RT @nicklove01: Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.~ Rumi quote
RT @friendlywealth: RT @MasterMindCoach: "I cried because I had no shoes, then I met a man who had no feet." Persian Sufi proverb quote
RT @ExquisiteD: quote "A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous." Ingrid Bergman
RT @mattledford: No man is exempt from saying silly things; the mischief is to say them deliberately. - Michel de Montaigne quote
@22lrhunter There are products for fly protection, mesh at the hutch door or a spray/powder for the bun and/or hutch
@22lrhunter Wild rabbits generally keep themselves cool during the main part of the day by staying in their burrows away from flies.
@physiolou Now that is a BIG shame, u can put that down to the breeder! as this is a hereditary problem, poor bunny...
@physiolou thats a shame as bunnies love this, when they are stretched out and relaxed on your lap, u should give it a go...
@Madabip Could be ? lol, BUT, a tree or lampost is not going to bedn down and try and grab for you!
@Madabip they havn't the reflex, not sure why? once its down its down, so its always good keep an eye on wot bunny has access to nibble on!
@DoubleKarma now you lost me, :-),
@DoubleKarma so opium is found in lettuce ?
@reinedelarose exactly . have a great day
@successwithdany agh! now that could be the reason lol
@Madabip You are welcome, I'll keep them coming!.
@The_Grim_Weeder urgh.. couldn't eat a whole one.. lol
@DanScott1 micro seconds, it would need a thimble for an egg cup tho lol
@RichGuzman Thanks for the RT, much appreciated. Have a great day..
@Petnanny1 You are welcome, bunnies and other small n furries don't like vaseline.. :-) have a great day.
@JDDarley LOL....
@timveach I aim to
@jblm Hi thanks for the mention, that sound about right! lol...

Saturday, August 01, 2009

RT @dougzipevski Before you take a quantum leap into the unknown,appreciate what you've got,link it to what your values are.John Demartini
@HappyTown09 Hi Thanks for the RT, have a great weekend :-)
@shnrosenberg Hi Thanks for the RT, have a great weekend :-)
@JDDarley Maybe so! But I only ever get prescribed with Whisky lol
@bbwemma Hi Thanks for the RT, have a great weekend :-)
@shnrosenberg Hi Thanks for the RT, have a great weekend :-)
RT @GamesRUS: RT @CindyLoves Twanxious - An anxious tweeter or post
@RicRaftis Hi Thanks for the RT, have a great weekend :-)
@mikeeadams Hi Thanks for the RT, have a great weekend :-)
@funnytshirtman I Hope so!!!! Have a great weekend :-)
@wolverine63 Hi Thanks for the RT, have a great weekend :-)
RT @lovepeaceunity: ☆ Worry looks around. Sorry looks back. Faith looks up. ☆
@Waynazz Exactly. they love to nibble on hay, small branches, small pieces of untreated wood, veg etc... it all helps ther teeth
@amammal Hey thanks! Its taken years of experience to put it together though.....But Fun experience..
@22lrhunter maggots will eat nything where they hatch, It is a terrible thing 4 animals as it can go undetected under the fur. Nasty!
@DoubleKarma I'm not sure ? mmm, never heard of murder by lettuce in humans, more like the runs! LOL...
@Brittbrittx2 thats a shame, i bet its' hard work.
@teacraftecm Sorry to have upset you! I have changed my Tweets....
@Bridget4183 HI Thanks fr the RT, Have a great Weekend! :-)
@Trumpette1 HI thanks for the RT, have a great weekend :-)
@Trumpette1 Hi thanks for the RT, Have a great weekend :-)
@15keystosuccess Hi thanks for the RT, have a great weekend! :-)
@anaisnais Hi there, I'm fine thanks, havn't found many crafty peeps lately, I will check out CraftsUprint though, have a great weekend! :-)
@aussiewebgirl awghhh Thanks for the FF, have a great weekend :-)
@charmfx Thanks for the FF, have a great weekend! :-)
@cussy Hi Cussy, thanks for the RT, much Appreciated. Have a great weekend! :-)
@1ATweepSoftware Thanks for the message, Much Apreciated. Have a great weekend.. :-)
RT @askanditsgiven: In these days, a man who says a thing cannot be done is quite apt to be interrupted by some idiot doing it
RT @angelaksgiles: *Need tons of prospects? Use TWitter - free step by step info: